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Understanding npm-link. How to develop npm modules

Andras Helyes
June 18th, 2018 · 2 min read

The Why

Linking dependencies straight to a main project might speed up development. Obviously npm packages are standalone, independent modules hence do not need to be used by a “main” app whilst being developed. However, there are scenarios when a module needs to be worked on with the main application hooked to it.

  • end to end testing module
  • module breaks down in a scneario that is hard to replicate

The natural way to do it would be updating dependency source then copyying files to node_modules/module folder in root project. Perhaps copying the whole project there and edit files straight away

A much niftier solution is getting npm link to work for us.

The Goal

Having a node application running whilst working on one of it’s dependency.
Changes in dependency should be reflected straight away in main app, without copyying any files manually.


1cd npm-link-package
2npm link
3cd npm-link-project
4npm link npm-link-package
5ls -l node/modules/
6lrwxr-xr-x 1 andras staff 79 2 Sep 18:42 npm-link-package -> ../../../../../../.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/lib/node_modules/npm-link-package

The How

We’ll create two projects

  • npm-link-project
  • npm-link-package

The npm-link-project depends on npm-link-package. By the end oif this post, you’ll understand how making changes in npm-link-package project can be reflected immediately in the root project.

Creating projects

Package - dependency - project

This is the package that will serve as dependency.

Create directory and jump in it

1mkdir npm-link-package && cd "$_" && touch index.js

Initializing default node app

1npm init -y
3### output ###
6 "name": "npm-link-package",
7 "version": "1.0.0",
8 "description": "",
9 "main": "index.js",
10 "scripts": {
11 "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
12 },
13 "keywords": [],
14 "author": "",
15 "license": "ISC"

Adding code

Open an editor and update index.js.

1module.exports = function log(message) {
2 console.log(`Logger says "${message}"`);
5/* this is only to kick it off from command line*/
6if(require.main == module) {
7 module.exports('blah')

Main project

This project will use the above as dependency.

Create directory, jump in it then create index.js.

1mkdir npm-link-project && cd "$_" && touch index.js

Initialize a default node app

1npm init -y
3### output ###
6 "name": "npm-link-project",
7 "version": "1.0.0",
8 "description": "",
9 "main": "index.js",
10 "scripts": {
11 "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
12 },
13 "keywords": [],
14 "author": "",
15 "license": "ISC"

Linking dependency project to main project

In order to link dependency to main project’s node_modules folder, the below two things need to be done

  1. a global symlink for the dependency. This symlink adds (well, links) the dependency project under npm’s global node_modules
1npm global home
3 └───npm-link-package

Note: run npm list -g | head -n 1 to get global home folder.

  1. a symlink from the main project pointing to the linked folder above It might be slightly confusing at this point. Don;t worry, it is actually much simpler than it looks so let’s create them.

Create global symlink

Again, this will be a symlink that links dependency project under npm’s global node_modules folder

1cd npm-link-package
2npm link
5/Users/andras/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/lib/node_modules/npm-link-package -> /Users/andras/work/npm-link-package

There is no magic here, could have done the same with a standard symlink

1$ ls -l /Users/andras/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/lib/node_modules
2total 0
3drwxr-xr-x 24 andras staff 768 16 Aug 05:30 npm
4lrwxr-xr-x 1 andras staff 62 26 Aug 18:30 npm-link-package -> /Users/andras/work/npm-link-package

Create symlink from main project to global npm_modules/npm-link-package

1cd npm-link-project
2npm link npm-link-package
3/Users/andras/work/npm-link-project/node_modules/npm-link-package -> /Users/andras/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/lib/node_modules/npm-link-package -> /Users/andras/work/npm-link-package

Let’s try it out

Add index.js to main project

1const log = require('npm-link-package')
3log('I can be called from project');

Then run it

1$ node index.js
2Logger says "I can be called from project"

For the sake of it, update index.js in package project

1module.exports = function log(message) {
2 console.log(`v2 logger says "${message}"`);

Then run it

1$ node index.js
2v2 logger says "I can be called from project"

Once work on dependency is done, links may be deleted.

1cd npm-link-project
2npm uninstall npm-link-package
3cd npm-link-package
4npm uninstall

Afrer running the above, all symlinks hould be gone

1# main project
2ls -l node_modules/
4# npm global for dependency project
5ls -l /Users/andras/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/lib/node_modules/

Cover photo by Samarth Shirke on Unsplash

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